Gathering Up Chess Players

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How It Works?

You are required to enroll in one/ more of your desired tournaments through website. After completion of enrollment, we will send you a confirmation email which you will be granted access to join the tournament. 

Please be careful when you type your username, your username will be granted access to join the tournament, if one letter of your username is not correctly typed, you will not be able to join the tournament. 

We are using the matrix to divide the 80-90% of the total enrollment fees to the top five or top ten players depending on the total participants. will take 10-20% commission of a tournament which again depends on how many participants have joined the tournament.

Low Entry Fees

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Secure SSL Payment

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Top Prizes

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Have Fun

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Tournaments Winners

Our Tournaments

Rapid 10+0

Start Time: 16:00 GMT Dec 15, 2022
Duration: 1 Hour
Enrollment Fee: $10

Rapid 10+0

Top 10 players will be awarded prizes, the accurate amount of prizes will be announced 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

Rapid 10+0

Start Time: 16:00 GMT Dec 15, 2022
Duration: 1 Hour
Enrollment Fee: $10

Rapid 10+0

Top 10 players will be awarded prizes, the accurate amount of prizes will be announced 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

Rapid 10+0

Start Time: 16:00 GMT Dec 15, 2022
Duration: 1 Hour
Enrollment Fee: $10

Rapid 10+0

Top 10 players will be awarded prizes, the accurate amount of prizes will be announced 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

Rapid 10+0

Start Time: 16:00 GMT Dec 15, 2022
Duration: 1 Hour
Enrollment Fee: $10

Rapid 10+0

Top 10 players will be awarded prizes, the accurate amount of prizes will be announced 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

Rapid 10+0

Start Time: 16:00 GMT Dec 15, 2022
Duration: 1 Hour
Enrollment Fee: $10

Rapid 10+0

Top 10 players will be awarded prizes, the accurate amount of prizes will be announced 24 hours before the start of the tournament.

Want to create your tournament?

If you want to make an exhibition between your friends, click here.

We will make your tournament and pay the winner or other ranking players however you want.

Enrolling for a tournament

How We Pay?

When enrolling for a tournament you will be asked on how you want us to send your prize, currently we support PayPal and CashUp. You are required to give us your PayPal or CashUp ID. 

We deposit the prize amount 24-36 hours after the end of each tournament. Please note if there is any misspelling in your PayPal or CashUp ID contact us for correcting it before the start of the tournament, otherwise is not responsible if you do not receive your prize. 

Please wait for 48 hours for your prize to be deposited, if you still have not received your payment, contact us and we will take care of it in the next 3 hours.

We pay 80-90% of the total enrollment fee to the top5 or top10 players, depending on how many players have participated in the tournament. BishopMaster will take 10-20% of the total enrollment fee for it’s admin and other costs.

If you want to be refunded and regret to join a tournament but already enrolled for the tournament, we are here to help you. Just go to our refund page and you will be refunded in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Players have not received thier payment due to misspelling
0 %
Players could not join the tournament due to misspelling of usernames
0 %
Player's satisfaction from our company
0 %

Happy Clients About Us

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